We believe any organization can be a powerful instrument for regenerating local economies
The Regenerative Economy Communities
Play a leadership role in regenerating your local economy
What if your organization was able to actively participate in the revitalization
of its neighborhood, city, and even region?
We develop your organizational capacity to maximize your
regenerative impact on your local community while increasing your viability.
Your journey toward a regenerative local economy
TREC offers a developmental platform for your team to explore new life-giving operating approaches.

Catalyzing Healthy Stakeholder Ecosystems (ENROLLING NOW!)
Responsible organizations know that their activities should benefit all stakeholders. We invite you to take a step further and increase your leadership role by intentionally catalyzing a healthy stakeholder ecosystem engaged toward a shared common aim: genuine wealth for all members of your community.
Evolving Value-Adding Processes
When your organizational processes become more value-adding, you contribute to the life-generating capacity of those you serve and the systems with which you interact. In doing so, you make your whole work ecosystem—including customers, beneficiaries, co-creators, social and ecological systems, and potentially your whole industry—more regenerative.

Regenerating Place-Sourced Economies
Regeneration is about continuously importing new and necessary energy into a place. This can be done by grounding your organization in a deep understanding of the unique essence and vocation of your community so that all activities contribute to increasing your place’s vitality, viability, and capacity to evolve.